"I tip-toed in and out of therapy from the age of 17, when I left home and moved to college, until I was 28. When I finally faced my feelings I really started to live and learned to live fully! Therapy, as I see it, is a means of learning things about how to live, interact, communicate and love in healthier ways. Going to therapy doesn’t mean you’re “crazy” or “sick” – it means you’re courageous and tired enough of what you’re going through to talk to a person trained to listen in deep and meaningful ways. Come talk with me! We’ll work together so you can live your most authentic life. Get Help and Get Happier!" – Connie Stapleton, Ph.D.


An aftercare program providing ongoing behavioral and emotional health support for weight loss patients. Learn more


10-week online live video program designed for anyone interested in weight loss. Learn more


Comprehensive Pre- and Post-Op Psychological Education for Optimal Long-Term Success! Learn more


Therapy retreats for people who are seeking to heal from a variety of issues they have encountered along their life’s journey. Learn more


BariAftercare: The Podcast with Dr. Stapleton

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