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Eating In the Light of the Moon Book Review
Join me for a review of the book “Eating in the Light of the Moon” by Anita Johnson, PhD
When: Sunday, March 30th, 7:30 PM EST
Where: Online via Zoom
Who: Anyone!
Cost: FREE to any BariAftercare subscribers, $15 for non-BariAftercare subscribers
Mind Prep The Book: How To Prepare for Bariatric Surgery and Live as a Healthy Post-Op
Considering a surgical bariatric procedure? Then you must read Mind Prep. The before and after pictures of people on social media who have had bariatric surgery, while exhilarating, depict only the physical aspects related to having bariatric surgery.
Dr. Stapleton’s work as a bariatric psychologist is directed at helping people recognize the equally important emotional issues related to weight struggles. In Mind Prep, she helps educate and prepare people for making a lifelong commitment to a healthy lifestyle by highlighting potential problem areas including a return to unhealthy habits and the tendency to engage in negative self-talk. Answer thought-provoking questions throughout Mind Prep and better prepare yourself for the emotional challenges you may experience following your surgical bariatric procedure!
BariAftercare Daily Progress Journal
More than a typical "diet" journal, the BariAftercare Daily Progress Journal focuses on your growth as a whole person!
ARISE in the morning and start your day with a plan for success! Commit to your overall health and wellness, and set your food and exercise goals.
GOTTA DO 'EMs. Review the Physical and Emotional Gotta Do 'Em checklists. It’s not about perfection, but give you a way to keep in mind positive ways to stay physically and emotionally healthy.
The Four ACES: Awareness, Accountability, Attitude, Commitment and Effort. Learn more about yourself and take credit for the healthy changes you make!
FEELINGS. Becoming aware of your emotions is critical to self-growth and maintaining a healthy weight.
RECAP at the end of the day. Reflect and evaluate your day. Find gratitude. Make a plan to avoid pitfalls and celebrate your progress!
"Your Health! Your Responsibility. This Day. Every Day."
Weight Loss Surgery Does NOT Treat Food Addiction
If you know that food/weight have caused problems in your life and you have wanted to get and keep your extra weight off, but cannot seem to do may be a food addict. Have you lost weight with the aid of bariatric surgery, a medically supervised weight loss program, or fad diet, but ended up regaining at least all that you lost? Food addiction may be a reason!
Food addiction is often undiagnosed and can sabotage even the best efforts to lose weight and keep it off. Food addiction is a disease separate from the disease of obesity. If food addiction is present and untreated, it will overtake efforts to treat the obesity, resulting in ongoing medical comorbidities, hopelessness, and frustration.
Learn about how food addiction may be interfering with your weight loss efforts. Discover how to treat the addiction so that weight loss efforts are successful. Learn to live healthier, happier, fuller lives! Your Health. Your Responsibility. This Day. Every Day.
Eat It Up! The Complete Mind/Body/Spirit Guide to a Full Life After Weight Loss Surgery
Eat it Up! is the first book incorporating a whole person, mind/body/spirit approach to prevent weight regain in the months and years following weight loss surgery. Each chapter is devoted to a “Center of Balance,” explaining obesity’s negative impact on every aspect of a person’s life. Eat It Up! offers skills and strategies to overcome difficulties following weight loss surgery, resulting in the reward of lifelong happiness and healthy living, free from weight regain.
Written with humor, compassion and a “firm and fair” approach, Eat it Up! is a must-have for the millions who are obese or overweight. Regaining weight in the months and years following bariatric surgery is a devastating reality — one that can be prevented.
Take Dr. Stapleton with you in your car as you commute and on trips, or while you exercise. Order the audio of her book, narrated by Dr. Stapleton, available today on CD.
Read the first two chapters for free online
"Eat It Up! is a must-have book for surgical weight loss patients. Dr. Stapleton goes beyond the "how to" of maintaining weight loss following surgery to providing skills, wisdom and the support necessary to create a fully healthy and balanced life."
– John C. Friel, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist, New York Times best-selling author
Eat It Up! The Workbook
Learn from your own insights with exercises created by Dr. Connie Stapleton, a licensed psychologist and certified addiction counselor. In Eat It Up! The Workbook you will complete exercises designed to:
help adjust your weight loss expectations so they are realistic
focus your energy on the contributing factors to obesity that you can influence
learn and balance healthy self-focus
improve your self-talk
maintain your program of physical exercise
create and maintain healthy emotional boundaries
remain engaged in a healthy lifestyle throughout your life
All of the exercises in Eat It Up! The Workbook are created to help you focus on your overall health and well-being, while maintaining a healthy weight for the rest of your life. Be the example to the others in your life and invite them to join you in your Recovery From Obesity!
Gotta Do ’Ems Bracelet
Bracelet with charms representing each of the Gotta Do ’Ems to remind you throughout the day of your commitment to yourself and the things you need to do in order to maintain a healthy weight!