/ Schedule

September 21–22, 2018
Embassy Suites

10110 US Hwy 281 N.
San Antonio, TX 78216

Book hotel here or call
1-800-EMBASSY and use code JKF

Registration fee: $395
Early bird registration: $375 (until 8/15)
Registration includes meals (two lunches and one breakfast)

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September 21–22, 2018

Day 1


Registration and Check-In


Welcome and Opening Remarks
Julia Karlstad — Exercise for Weight Loss (20 min)
Michelle Baglio — Nutrition for Weight Loss (20 min)
Connie Stapleton — Mental Health for Weight Loss (20 min)


The Battle in the Head / Connie Stapleton
Do you fit into any of these categories? “I’ve lost the same x number of pounds many times but have gained it back… plus more?” “I do well for a while but then the old habits just creep back in,” “I’ve been on every diet there is, always trying the next best thing, only to regain every pound I ever lost,“ or “I can’t seem to lose any weight no matter what I try.” Do you find yourself asking “WHY?” Why can’t I get weight off and keep it off? What goes on in your mind has a lot to do with the struggle to get weight off and to keep it off. We’re going to explore the mind body connection and you’ll learn tools to win the ongoing battle in the head!


Meditation and Breath Work / Kimberly Black
Practicing breath work and meditation helps decrease stress, lower blood pressure,  improve sleep, promote a healthy weight and calm the body and mind. You will go through a few breathing techniques that aid in stress relief and mental awareness, followed by a guided meditation focused on total body relaxation and inner peace.




Lunch and Key Note Speaker (meal provided)
It Can Happen to You! / Eva Lopez, MD
To be or not to be...healthy, active, happy. Does skinny mean happy? What motivates or demotivates you? Can you "Let it go?" What can affect your success and how does your environment affect your outcome? A multidisciplinary approach to weight loss. 


Outsmart Your Hunger Hormones for Weight Loss / Michelle Baglio
Several hormones shape your appetite, contribute to cravings, and may cause weight gain.  Learn how to control them so that you can balance your food intake, manage your trigger foods, dispel food cravings, and facilitate weight loss.


Is it Possible to Love Exercise? / Julia Karlstad
I do exercise for a living and sometimes I dread it, but at the same time I’ve come to love it!  If exercise is something that doesn’t come naturally, how can you embrace it and come to love it?  Learn how to love exercise for what it does not what it is!


Cleaning out Your Emotional Closet / Connie Stapleton
Shame tells us we’re “not good enough.” Many people who deal with weight issues and negative body image harbor thoughts and feelings of “not being good enough.” Where does that message originate? Is your struggle to maintain weight loss driven by a self-fulfilling prophecy fueled by the belief that you aren’t good enough? If that is the case, then learning to let go of negative experiences, thoughts, feelings and beliefs that hinder your progress is essential to long-term success! Participants will leave this session with new insight and a key to maintain the behaviors necessary to sustain a healthy weight for life.


Green Smoothie Happy Hour / Julia Karlstad
If you’ve never tried a green smoothie, you’re in for a treat.  If you have blended, you’ll taste and receive new recipes to keep your palate yearning for more.  Learn, taste, and enjoy how green smoothies can get you to your weight loss goals and even more importantly prevent chronic disease.


Day 2


Total Body Strength Training Workout / Julia Karlstad
Bring your workout clothes for great workout.  Learn how to strength train with minimal equipment for maximum weight loss.


Clean-up & Breakfast (meal provided)


Nutrition Take Home Tools / Michelle Baglio
Lose weight and sustain that weight loss long-term by integrating key tools, systems, and testing into your weight loss program.  We’ll talk about setting realistic goals, when and what to journal, meal planning/prepping, laboratory tests, and more.


Weight Maintenance and Adulting / Connie Stapleton
“It’s hard!” “I don’t have time to exercise or to meal prep.” “Staying at a healthy weight is easier said than done.” “If the rest of my family would cooperate, then I would do better to eat well and exercise more.” In order to maintain a healthy weight, one has to “adult,” meaning refraining from whining, making excuses, or blaming others. Weight maintenance means learning to set boundaries with oneself and with others, learning to communicate one’s wants and needs in healthy ways, and coming to understand that others may not understand or respect your efforts to live a healthy lifestyle. Ultimately, maintaining a healthy weight means accepting that your health is your responsibility. Today and every day.


Lunch and Key Note Speaker (meal provided)
Why the Rising Tide for Obesity and Chronic Disease; What Can We do About it? / Suzanne Gazda, MD
There’s an exponentially rising rate of all chronic disease to include obesity, why is this happening?  It seems the calories in vs. calories out model has led us down the wrong path for long term sustained wellness and weight management.  Many people have been told that being overweight is a personal flaw.  In recent years an expanding number of scientists and journalists have come forward to suggest that the obesity crisis is caused by something far bigger than "US"…it is instead a combination of bad nutrition science,  bad food policy, and chronic misinformation from the government and nutrition experts.  In other words, it’s not (all) our fault.  In fact, the dietary advice we’ve been given for the past half century, they say, has created the perfect storm and near-ideal conditions for an obesity epidemic.  So, what can we do about it?


Closing Remarks with Follow-up Accountability Programs / Julia Karlstad & Connie Stapleton
Any program is only as good as you’re willing to follow it.  Thus, we have accountability follow-up programming for symposium participants in order to assist you in maintaining the skills you learned.   You can sign up for and purchase these programs through Julia Karlstad or Connie Stapleton.   Programs can be accomplished on-site or from afar.  Stop by our booth to sign up for follow-up accountability programs.